Stillness without Tiredness

So, here it is the first day of June, 2024, and God is reminding me through Scripture… to be still. I thank Him for bringing me back to the realization that being too busy can gear me from being still in the sense that pleases Him. For this reason, I pray in June to make more room for stillness, without tiredness; a stillness that honors Him.

You see, yesterday, while spending time at the beach, I took notice of the seagulls. I noticed how they weren’t flying around. They were being still; just sitting there facing the ocean. That said, the first day of June, I was also reminded through my Bible App’s ‘Verse of the Day’ to be still; to quiet myself. To stop being in a hurry; not to rush. Take a time out.

Certainly, May seemed to have gone by me like a whirlwind! This caused me to asked myself several questions: Could this have been because of my busy schedule? Or, could it have been because of a lack of stillness in my life? Or, perhaps, maybe, a sign of the times? When I look back, however, it could very well have been all three. Pondering those thoughts, I can’t tell you how grateful I was to be reminded still… to simply be still.

Again, looking back on May, I was quite busy. Besides from writing, I was also getting opportunity after opportunity to go here and be there. I even confessed to a dear friend that I wasn’t a good manager of my time during this month. I didn’t even write at least one post on my website. That being said, even though I stilled myself at times, it was mostly because of being too tired from being too busy. As a result of this, I went to the beach to wind down and to settle myself. To my surprise, observing the seagulls, God gave me that welcomed revelation of my own state of being, the need to be still, without tiredness. What can I say! God is mighty good that way :)!

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 ESV

Please pray with me: Dear Lord, I will keep on thanking you for your revelations in my life to be still. And please, Dear Lord, help me to be still with the stillness that pleases you, in Jesus name, amen.

May the blessings of the Lord be with you always!

By Hertistine Washington /

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